Information Bays

We have some great news to kick off the New Year!  Our Information Bays at each of the entrances to town now have fantastic new photos and have been fully refurbished. 

They look fantastic as the attached photos will attest.  It has been a big task to get this refurbishment to completion, with particular thanks to Kelly Versteeg, Shane Packard and Megan at Rossigns, and the board members that were involved.

This is a GREAT time to consider advertising on the Information Bays, an application form is attached for anyone who might be interested.  Simply complete and return and we will contact you with further information. 

It is the best advertising money we have ever spent, the return on investment has been undeniable.

Tourism and service providers to tourists may be particularly interested.

Information Bays Application Form 2022

Information Bay on Whyalla approach
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